Looking forward to the weekend...

Not that it's been a bad week or anything, but it just seems to have been a long one. And there's a weekend SAL over on the HAED BB that starts today, so I'm in weekend mode already in spite of the fact that I have 600ish pages of proofs to mark up!

I'm going to be working on Earth for the SAL, so here's my 'before' scan.

She's grown a bit! I've discovered that I really enjoy swapping between her, Quaker Garden, and my redwork exchange piece. Three things on the go is manageable but gives enough variety that I don't get bored! So that's what I'll be doing this weekend - a bit of everything!


  1. You have made great progress on her. I can't wait to see how much you get done on her this weekend!

  2. Ah, you are turning into a true rotation stitcher now!

  3. It's looking lovely, Nicki... That fabric is perfect for her.

  4. Nicki, that piece is just incredible. I don't know what impresses me more when I look at it, what you have finished or all those threads in different colors waiting for you. I don't know if I could keep them all straight, I would probably end up with a huge tangled mess. Nice job! Ann.

  5. I'm looking forwards to seeing a progress pic after your SAL weekend!

  6. Earth is looking great! Can't wait to see how much progress you make over the weekend.


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