Quaker Garden progress

I think I'm a little over halfway through Quaker Garden. I'm really enjoying it! I changed the colour of the leaves and stems under 'V' to make them stand out more.

I've also been putting in stitching time on one of my exchanges, Earth (I'll post a piccie of her another day), and Leanne's House (patchwork). I'm not very pleased with my work on Leanne's House though. I spent so much time ripping apart seams and redoing them yesterday and mini-block 2 still isn't right. I need to be more careful!

It doesn't help that my rotary cutter is broken and my cutting mat has been commandeered by Martin. There's no way I'd put fabric near it now....


  1. Quaker Garden is looking wonderful!! Great job.

    Funny that my cutting mat has an airplane wing on it this weekend:)

  2. Your Quaker Garden looks wonderful! But what on earth happened to your cutting mat?? I would kill however did that to mine :-P Hubby wouldn't dare lay a finger on mine or it would get chopped off with my rotary cutter.

  3. Your poor cutting matt and cutter...
    Quaker looks lovely...the colours are just soo yummy..

    if you need some sewing support feel free to email me..
    i was a textiles teacher that specialised in patchwork and the like in a past life remember, i might be able to help you avoid so much unpicking..

  4. Lovely progress on Quaker Garden. We got round the cutting board problem by buying us both one at the same time LOL!

  5. Your Quaker Garden looks awesome! I just posted an updated picture too - we're in about the same place; we just started at opposite ends!


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