Something more interesting!

I've been a bit aware of the lack of piccies in the last few posts, so at last here's something more interesting to show you!

This is month 3 of my SAL with Karen on the Carriage House Samplings alphabet. This month I did 'C'. Once more I hadn't got one of the colours, so there should be a cream along the top in between those flowery things. (I did a terrible job of collecting the colours for the first few charts!) I briefly thought about stitching black cats but decided that would spoil it!

(1 over 1 on 28ct Merino lugana from Countrystitch using all recommended GAST threads)


  1. Lookin' pretty darned good so far - love the cats! :D

  2. Anonymous4:26 pm

    Very nice!

    I know how much is involved in an around-the-world move, having just done it the other way round. Good luck with all that!

  3. That looks great Nicki :o)

  4. its pretty Nicki! I might wanna stitch this for myself.. when? hmm, no idea LOL.

  5. absolutely gorgeous Nicki...
    i just love it 1x1 .. makes it look so delicate and detailed..
    love the kitties

  6. It's lovely Nicki, congratulations

  7. I want these!! I'm loving seeing yours and Karen's progress on them. I love your fabric choice.

  8. love your new look here Nicki :) the IR pinkeep looks great too, this design lends itself to so many different ways for finishing doesn't it?

  9. Oh, that's looking very good!!

  10. Looking good, Nicki! Always love seeing this one. :D

  11. This is going to be lovely when it is done...very neat stitching too!


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