Still secret stitching!

I'm still doing a lot of secret stitching, so not much to show you yet. There'll be a host of pictures to share in early September when my three exchanges and one surprise gift are received. I overdid it on the signing up for things! I have just about finished my band for Autumn's TWRR, but I need to pop to my LNS to get some beads. That'll be tomorrow.

In the meantime, here's Earth as of last Sunday after a day's work on her for the HAED stitchathon. Once I get all this obligation stitching done I'm going back to working on her and Petal Fairy so I can get them finished!


  1. It's looking great Nicki! It sure is colorful!
    Can't wait to see what surprises you stitched up for your exchanges!

    hugs to you

  2. It is looking fantastic! Can not wait to see more of it and also the exchanges.

  3. Oh, she looks so fantastic!! It must be hard to put her down!

  4. Anonymous9:21 pm

    She is *gorgeous* and I love the colours in her too!

  5. She's beautiful! Keep up the good work.

  6. She looks stunning. I can't wait to see her finished:)

  7. Wow, that is a really complicated project. Very nice work!

  8. Your HAED piece is so cool to look at with all the parked threads. I am always so impressed when I see that because it looks so crazy. It is a gorgeous piece. Ann.

  9. Wow! Earth looks amazing! You are doing an amazing job on her. Keep it up! Can't wait to see what secret stitching you have in store to show us!

  10. She's looking stunning, great progress

  11. She's just wonderful, Nicki!

  12. Ah, finally blogger is letting me comment. :)
    Wow, Nicki, you've really been busy while I've been away from blogland! You girls who stitch these complex HAED projects amaze me. Awesome stitching; it would be so interesting to watch you stitch these and manage all those threads!

  13. Beautiful as always, Nicki :)

  14. Goodness this has grown an awful lot since I last looked and so neatly as well.


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