More updates and a thank you!

First, thank you all for the welcome home greetings. We're pretty jet lagged but happy. I picked up a nasty cold on the plane too so it's been extra tiring. The house is grubby and most of my garden plants have died, but it's all easily fixed. It's just so good to have familiar places and people. The cats have been bounding round the garden this morning (no quarantine needed, just lots of paperwork and vaccinations) and we're all loving the weather - we brought the kiwi sunshine with us I think!

Next, I meant to share this photo yesterday but I couldn't find it. I think Polo was worried we'd leave her behind!

And last but not least, here's the wonderful welcome home gift that Isabelle sent me. Isn't it gorgeous? And just perfect for someone with only a suitcase of belongings and lots of blank walls! It's hanging in the dining room at the moment where I pass it all the time and can admire it. Thank you so much Isabelle!


  1. Polo looks so cute. Your gift from Isabelle is beautiful!

  2. Hope your cold and jet lag lift soon as I expect you can't wait to go turbo through your house and garden to get it all right again. Polo was certainly not getting left, And last but not least what a lovely gift from Isabelle for you to come home to, she is so thoughtful :-))
    Have a nice day!

  3. Cute kitty :) you sure have brought the nice weather back with you! Lovely welcome back gift from Isabelle too.

  4. Anonymous1:26 am

    LOL at Polo - so cute!

    What a lovely welcome home gift from Isabelle - she's so sweet and thoughtful :)

  5. Welcome back, Nicki!

  6. You are so very welcome, Nicki. You're sweet to me *all* year long - it's only natural I should try and sweeten up your coming back to "our side"! ;) I'm so excited to know you are not far away from Paris now. :)

    Polo is adorable - cats can get pretty nervous when we're packing don't they!

  7. Welcome home! So glad to see you and the cats happy and safe. I hope your cold and jet lag are short-lived. Let me know if you need anything at all...

  8. That's a great picture of Polo :)

    What a lovely gift from Isabelle!

  9. So great you're home and you're right, the weather definitely has improved since you've been nack lol! xx

  10. such a pretty gift from Isabelle. Lol at your kitty, my old kitty used to do the same thing whenever I was packing a suitcase for a trip.

    Hope you feel better soon and you'll be glad of the sunshine -we've had our first cold snap of the year here in NZ, even had the fire going last night :)

  11. Isn't that Isabelle just the sweetest thing??? What a lovely gift :)

    So glad you are back :)

  12. It's so good to see you're back home and settling in so nicely. :D


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