Where shall I put this?

Our stuff arrived! Thank goodness it wasn't raining...

Everything seems here and just one ornament broken. Now we just need to make a bit of room...


  1. By that must feel good getting everything back again :-)) I didn't think about your car coming all that way as well! You have got alot of sorting out to do...is the stash first on the list... ;-))??

    Have a nice BH weekend, it is a bit chilly here up north but nice and bright.

  2. Wow. That is a lot of organizing!! Good luck getting settled back home again. :D

  3. Congratulations!! Aw, looky - there's your car!!!! Woo Hoo!!

  4. Goodness me!! Good luck with organizing everything - woohoo, your stuff is here! :D

  5. It must be good to have all your belongings with you now - have fun sorting it out, whats first to be unpacked,your stash? have a good week :)

  6. How wonderful for you to see all your things again!

  7. Holy cow! That's a lot of stuff. :) How you must have missed it. And what you didn't might be able to go to the curb. LOL


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