Busy, busy

It's been a busy week. Lots of extra work came in so I worked on the public holiday last Monday and I'm going to be working all weekend too. Not so great but the money will be useful when I eventually get paid. I've had a stinking cold too - over a week now and I still can't shift it. Oh well. The weather has been glorious, so that's something positive!

Not a lot of time for stitching. I have made a bit more progress on Where My Heart Blooms though.

This weekend is the HAED SAL weekend, so hopefully I'll get some time to stitch on Earth later. Must go now though - work is calling!


  1. I hope that cold is soon history! And that your paycheck comes in soon - it's always nice to get a bit extra in there. ;)

    Really lovely progress with Where My Heart Blooms!

  2. Anonymous1:26 am

    You're making fabulous progress Nicki! I'm going to take mine out into the garden this afternoon and try to get a bit more border done.

    I hope you're feeling better soon!

  3. Sorry to hear you've been unwell, Nicki! (((hugs))) Good luck with working all weekend. Hope you can at least check your mail and see our cheering message ;)

    Where My Heart Blooms is looking goregous, love the colours on this one!
    Man, this is making me want to - gasp - stitch again! :D

    Big hugs to you! :D

  4. Feel better! Where My Heart Blooms looks fantastic!

  5. Where My Heart Blooms looks amazing - great progress!

  6. I hope your cold feels better soon Nicki. Where my Heart Blooms is looking lovely

  7. Sorry to hear you've got a cold...hope you feel better soon! Love all of your stitching WIP's, they're looking wonderful! And that's quite a kitty you've grown there, LOL!

  8. You're stitching on so many beautiful projects! You've nearly finished that house on WMHB - the rest will go by very quickly after that ;-) Random Thoughts is beautiful - I really need to dig out something to stitch a few motives on each month too! I feel as though I've been following your progress on the CHS Alphabet for ages - and it's nearly done!

    Always love to see Polo photos!

    I hope you feel better soon. I'm fortunate not to get sick that often (knock on wood), but the last time I had a cold last month it took forever to clear up too. Very annoying!

  9. Hope your cold goes away soon. Not fair to have a cold when the sun is shining!
    The stitching is coming along really well and I love your idea of doing a length of white then a bit of something else. I imagine it's gets you through it pretty well.

  10. WYHB is looking great. Sorry you've been under the weather.

  11. You are making great progress. Love your 'furry seedling'.

  12. You are making lovley progress Nicki. I've had the next one kitted up to go for two weeks and still haven't started it!

  13. Hey, that's looking great! Just love those birdies in the plants... I hope your cold clears soon, take care.

  14. Where My Heart Blooms is such a gorgeous design, you are doing a great job. I have added that design to my "must have" list!


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