Spring exchange from Su

Here it is - Blogger is working for me today - my lovely spring exchange from Su. A really pretty and delicate pocket with a design from Blackbird Designs stitched over one on it. Isn't it lovely?

There's a little hornbook to go in the pocket (I'll have to find something to decorate that before too long) and some lovely extras too. Two beautiful pieces of cotton fabric and a stunning blue piece of linen. Here's the inside with the hornbook showing:

And here's the back - just as pretty.

Thank you again so much Su. It's lovely and I've had a wonderful year receiving from you. How lucky I was to be your partner!


  1. Ooooh lovely exchange from Su, such tiny stitching and the hornbook is cute too :)

  2. Such a beautiful exchange!

  3. You are most ewlcome - I have really enjoyed stitching for you.

  4. That's a wonderful exchange!

  5. Anonymous10:20 am

    What a lovely exchange!


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